We have made a list of 101 improvements that Apple could make to Macs, the Mac OS and Apple itself. We are very much Pro-Apple and are avid Mac users, we do however think that there are some improvements which could be made to the Mac OS. We would be grateful if you could publish the list below in your Magazine. We hope Apple can stretch the MacOS beyond being the most advanced OS and move it into the 21st Century.
Ryan Page & Adam McNeeney
101 Apple Wishes
1. Self repairing OS, like Office98
2. Option to disable help button (Apple Guide takes forever to load)
3. Option to auto-empty trash upon startup/shutdown
4. Option-Drag between disks/folders moves (i.e deletes original)
5. Option to make the Launcher into a tab
6. Option to make control panels or their application equivalents into tabs
7. Documents from individual Applications into tabs (one set for each app)
8. Press Power key twice to Shutdown
9. Command-Q to restart in the Finder
10. Better telephony support in consumer Macs (i.e iMac)
11. Free e-mail updates on MacOS problems/updates
12. HTML Help extended into full web-browser (similar to CyberDog)
13. System totally independent (of Text Encoding and System Resources)
14. Bring back the Alarm Clock!
15. Coke can holder on every monitor (i.e Studio Display, iMac)
16. Get rid of the done button on Disk First Aid startup check
17. Bring back the ‘Shutdown' desk accessory
18. More use of Sliders instead of scroll bars
19. Simple Text integrated into Finder (opens as finder window)
20. Read Me files come as clipping until No. 19
21. PC Card slots in all Macs
22. A quicker startup time!
23. New cursors for watch and beach ball
24. Apple to buy Conflict Catcher!
25. A better way to change icons and the ability to change system icons
26. New Appearances files (Gizmo and Hi-Tech)
27. The new Navigation Services box forced on applications (Like Action Utilities does)
28. Apple to buy Norton Utilities to replace Disk First Aid
29. Disk First Aid to check for bad blocks until No.28
30. Pull out Coffee holder (like a second CD-ROM drive)
31. On-the-fly defragmentation, eg. no more than three fragments for files
32. Disk First Aid scans disks while idle
33. Get rid of floppy disks altogether! (-Ryan) (Done now with new Yosemite Mac’s! LF)
34. Apple to buy CD-ROM Toolkit
35. External CD-ROM Drives supported from OS until No. 34
36. Some Virus Protection integrated into OS
37. Or Apple to buy Virex or Norton Anti-Virus
38. Microsoft to put $000,000,000 into Apple to fund No.1-37
39. Bring back the Newton! (but with the MacOS) (why? LF)
40. Apple to buy Connectix
41. Or at least integrate SpeedDoubler and RAM Doubler into OS
42. Apple to give discounts to existing Windows Users (-Ryan) (what about loyal Mac users? LF)(Apple should PAY Win95/98 users to keep Windows for life, then they'll know what punishment is DE)
43. Printer drivers built into OS for HP, Epson, LexMark, Cannon
44. More options on Style Writer driver (Like LaserWriter driver)
45. The OS coughs instead of the death-chimes (Sad-Mac)
46. A startup screen in the Millennium that says ‘Now you can laugh at PC’s’
47. Animated Startup Screens (or at least more imaginative)
48. Changeable Startup screens, changeable in Appearance control panel
49. Password Protection built into all Macs (not just PowerBook)
50. Sleeper built into MacOS
51. (More) Apple Adverts on TV!
52. Apple to buy Palm Pilot (don’t need it, watch the skies! LF)
53. Free circular Apple mouse mat with every Mac
54. Microsoft to pay for Apple's advertising
55. More simple AppleScript for my programmably challenged friend (-Adam)
56. Voice-Activated household appliances using the Mac (through serial port) (no serials soon! LF)
57. Zip drives built into every Mac as standard
58. iMac+ with drive bay similar to PowerBook (instead of CD-ROM)
59. Bring back the eMate for everybody! (eMac???)
60. Recessed pen holders in Mac with a Post-it note pad on the side (-Ryan)
61. Animated background (like a LavaLamp or clock? -Adam)
62. Something to change the Apple menu icon (ie. a pear with a bite)
63. Ability to alter folder names in the title bar (and others)
64. Something similar to Snitch that allows you to change type and creator